About Us

I must give credit where credit is due, the saying "To God Be the Glory!" is one of the most famous sayings of my big sister in Chtist, Elder Dessie Wakefield.  Growing up I never really understood why she would always say that, but now as I have grown older and began understanding the grace and mercy God has shown me over the years, I now have a profound understanding of "To God Be the Glory!"


Our users

Church members, non church members, new members, old members. ALL are welcome.

History of project

I started this site on April 27, 2011 in hopes to get the word out on how good God is, not just to me, but to the people around me and throughout the world.  God has been good to all of us, it's just an unfortunate thing that so many do not believe, and think things only happen by chance.  My feet are planted on "All things happen in our lives for a reason."

My goal, to reach and draw as many lost souls as I possibly can to a closer and more intimate walk with God.  No one knows the day nor the hour when Jesus shall return, I no doubt, want to be ready and doing His will at that  moment.

Be Blessed,


Sis. K
